Mask Policy Update

Saturday, July 31

My Sisters & Brothers,

For those of you starting a new school year this coming week I hope this weekend is as relaxing as it can possibly be, for students and educators alike!

The COVID Pandemic seems to have the tenacity of an extended auto warranty RoboDialer. While we’ve enjoyed a more relaxed mask policy (for the vaccinated) over the last six weeks or so, it’s clear that for the moment we need to be more cautious for the time being. 

Starting this weekend, anyone attending mass at Sts. Peter & Paul will need to wear a mask, irrespective of their vaccination status.

I know this is not exactly a step forward but I feel it’s necessary for the moment. Thank you for understanding. In the meantime let us continue to pray for all those who have felt this awful scourge and for the healthcare workers on the front lines.

– Fr. Bryan